Play. Nourish. Restore. Connect.

A retreat for powerful, creative solopreneurs looking to embrace simplicity and stability in their businesses.

The 2025 Winter BELONG Retreat will be hosted at the historic Suttle Lake Lodge, a gorgeous mountain resort in Sisters, Oregon, from February 6-9. 2025.

What’s included:

Three nights of lodging at the historic Suttle Lake Lodge

Gourmet breakfast, brunch, dinner and snacks prepared by the talented lodge chef (optional lunches and alcoholic drinks not covered)

Three morning yoga classes

One deep-dive business planning session, to map out your 2025 business strategy

One evocative branding session, to get clear on who you are, what you offer and to whom

Hot seat coaching for each member of the group

A welcome ceremony and closing ceremony

A gorgeous snowshoe adventure through the snowy mountainscapes

A guided hot sauna and cold plunge session in Suttle Lake

An evening crafting session by the crackling fire

Transport to and from the Redmond-Bend Airport (details below)

Lots of time for wandering under the starry skies, meeting new friends and breathing in the silence of the mountains

Optional add-ons:

A 45-minute massage (must be booked prior to arrival)

A private 60-minute coaching session (at a 20% discount) with Jenni on the Wednesday before or Monday after the retreat, with views of the Deschutes River

“Jenni brings a unique mix of skills I have yet to encounter in any other coaching professional. In addition to being an excellent listener and creative problem solver who has firsthand experience with the challenges of the solo business owner life, she also addresses the emotional and spiritual blocks that can create barriers to success. I love that she's adept not just at seeing the practical solutions to a problem but also helping her clients work through the self-sabotaging beliefs and fears that can hold us back.

Jenni’s community isn't just a collection of people who want to up-level their businesses. It's a warm, supportive community where I've formed meaningful connections, and I'm grateful to Jenni for creating this container for us.”

-Pam Moore, Health & Fitness Writer; Intuitive Eating Coach

Our schedule:

  • Arrive at the airport between noon and 4 pm PST for a coordinated shuttle. (Arrivals outside of this time will be responsible for their own transport.) The Suttle Lake Lodge is approximately one hour from the Redmond airport (RDM), which connects to main hubs like SFO, DEN and SLC.

    4 pm: Arrive at the Suttle Lake Lodge for check-in

    5 pm: Introductions and intention setting

    6-8 pm: Welcome dinner & live music

  • 7:30 am: Light breakfast

    8-9 am: Morning yoga

    9:30 am: Brunch

    10-noon: Planning your 2025 strategy

    Noon-1 pm: Hot seat coaching

    2-5 pm: Snowshoe trek (or get a massage!)

    6 pm: Dinner

    Evening: Relaxation time

  • 7:30 am: Light breakfast

    8-9 am: Morning yoga

    9:30 am: Brunch

    10-noon: Branding deep dive

    Noon-1 pm: Hot seat coaching

    2-5 pm: Guided hot sauna and cold plunge session

    6 pm: Dinner

    7 pm: Fireside crafting

  • 7:30 am: Morning meditation/ breathwork session

    8 am: Breakfast

    9 am: Send off ceremony

    930-11 am: Head to the airport in shuttles

More information:

  • You are responsible for booking and paying for your flight outside of the total price of the retreat.

    You may fly into either RDM (the small Bend-Redmond airport) or PDX (the airport in Portland, Oregon.

    If you fly into the RDM airport, please aim to arrive between noon and 4 pm PST. We will have shuttles coordinated to bring you to the lodge, leaving every 90 or so minutes.

    On the final day of the retreat, shuttles will leave the lodge between 930 and 11 am PST to bring you to the airport. When booking return flights, keep in mind that it's a one-hour drive from the lodge to the airport; it's a small airport, so security usually takes 30 minutes max.

    If you fly into the Portland airport, you'll need to rent a car and drive over the pass. The drive is about 3 hours long and you will need 4-wheel drive; the pass is usually cleared on a daily basis but February can be quite snowy.

    We recommend aiming to fly into RDM if you can; despite needing to transfer, it's a much easier option overall in the winter months! RDM connects to major airports, including SEA, SFO, LAX, DEN and SLC.

  • If you'd like to stay in Bend for longer than the retreat time (or you'd like the freedom to explore Sisters and Bend during our open afternoons) you're welcome to rent a car!

    If not, we'll coordinate shuttles to bring you from RDM airport to the lodge. Please aim for flights that land between 12-4 pm PST (or before that) to catch the shuttles on February 6th. On the 9th, shuttles will leave the lodge at 11 am PST to take you back to the airport.

    • Warm clothes. It's winter in Central Oregon, which means there will likely be snow! The lodge is also cozy but rustic, so you'll be grateful for warm clothes. (Think: A down jacket, leggings, sweaters, thick socks and boots.)

    • A journal for reflecting on the experience

    • Your laptop, or anything else that will help you with business planning

    Our snowshoe guides can provide you with snowshoes, snow pants and winter boots for $10/ piece of gear. (Jenni will email to coordinate this ahead of the event.)

    The lodge also comes stocked with cozy robes, flannel sheets and thick blankets.

  • Yes! You can pay in full up front, or you're welcome to pay your total over a 4-month time period, following registration.

    Check the room options for specifics on pricing; when you click through to Paperbell, you'll find two payment options for each.

  • So much!

    • All of your lodging for 3 nights

    • A light breakfast, brunch and dinners every day (lunches on Friday and Saturday, and any alcoholic beverages you'd like to order, will be covered by you -- only because it's quite fun to order off the incredible lodge menu!). Snacks and desserts will also be provided.

    • A snowshoe adventure

    • A hot sauna/ cold plunge experience

    • Deep coaching work to help you plan for 2025, hone in on your brand, and get clear on stuck spots

    • Morning yoga and meditation each day

    • An evening crafting session on Saturday night

    • Opening and closing ceremonies

    • Live music on Thursday night

    • Access to the grounds of the gorgeous Suttle Lake Lodge

    • So much time spent in community with other like-minded souls!

    Optional add-ons include booking a massage (details to come). And Jenni has openings for discounted 60-minute sessions the day before and after the retreat, if you'd like to stay in Bend a little longer.

  • Your first month's payment (if you choose a 4-pay plan) is non-refundable. If you've paid in full, 25% of the fee is non-refundable.

    Should you choose to cancel up to 45 days before the trip, I will refund you for the other 75% of your fee if I'm able to fill your spot!

    After 45 days, there are no refunds.

  • So glad you asked! The rooms are listed below as booking links. You'll be able to choose from a solo king room, a rustic cabin (which has heat/ electricity, but a shared bathroom), a shared queen room (2 queen beds -- perfect for if you're attending with a buddy), a solo queen room in a larger cabin, or a communal room that has a king bed and 2 lofted twins. Price points vary based on what you choose! All the rooms come outfitted with cozy robes, flannel sheets, gorgeous lake views, and beyond.

  • Please do! We're happy to recommend our favorite hotel and adventure spots. We do recommend renting a car (opt for 4-wheel drive if you want to adventure around), or shuttling back to the airport to pick up a car for a few days once the retreat has ended.

  • This isn't a family retreat, although we're open to helping you figure out ways to accommodate your needs! There are several larger cabins on site that are ideal for families. We do ask that children and partners plan their own activities while we're engaged in business coaching work. They will also be responsible for their own meals!

  • Absolutely! Once you've both registered, ping Jenni ( and she'll add you to the same room reservation.

  • Yes! Jenni will be offering a limited number of private sessions on the Wednesday before and Monday after the retreat. If you'd like to book a 60 session, reach out to Jenni directly. You'll get a 20% discount on those sessions if you've already registered for the retreat!

It’s booking time!

Please visit the lodge website for specifics on all the rooms listed below. You’ll also find details within the Paperbell booking links! If you have questions, reach out to Jenni directly.