Welcome to FLOW: The Financial System For Self-Employed Creatives

Does your business generate variable income?

Does that variable income cause chaos in your life?

Do you find yourself paying bills as soon as you get a paycheck, facing a constant low-balance checking account?

Are you panicked that you’re missing something when it comes to paying taxes or tracking expenses?

If no one ever taught you how to manage your finances, you’re not alone.

Most of us skipped business classes in college because we were focused on other things: Creativity, learning, relationships, community building. Most of us figured we’d avoid “that stuff” while we pursued creative work instead.

But here’s the real truth: Once you land in the world of self-employment, you have to figure out your finances if you want to stay in business.

What you need: A grounded, well-organized financial system that can handle ebbs and flows.

The FLOW Financial System was built based on years of working with hundreds of self-employed folks who struggle with the same issues due to variable income.

In FLOW, a 6-step, self-guided program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Set up appropriate bank accounts

  • Manage your taxes

  • Track expenses

  • Track your assignments or projects to project future revenue

  • Pay yourself a paycheck

  • Do the math to establish your survival revenue number and ideal revenue number each month

  • Schedule an end-of-month financial meeting to manage all the above processes

The goal: To calm the chaotic revenue storm so you can get back to doing your best work.

“FLOW helped me build a system in my business that took my money mindset from concerned to confident.”

“I know I have enough set aside for taxes, some extra funds to get me through lean months, and I'm now working toward my goals of saving for retirement and buying a house!”

-Alexa N.

FLOW includes:

  • Over an hour of personalized video modules to help you implement the system in your own business

  • Video walkthroughs of Jenni's own systems of financial organization

  • A revenue calculator, assignment tracking template, and money mindset worksheet

  • The option to add 1-1 coaching with Jenni to your purchase

It's time to create a financial infrastructure that’s meant to handle gig-based work.

Your instructor: Jenni Gritters is a long-time business owner with over a decade of experience working for herself. She’s a business coach and she specializes in teaching finances and mindset, with several courses and a certified professional coach certificate under her belt. Jenni has also coached hundreds of self-employed creatives. That said, Jenni is not a financial planner or a CPA. The FLOW program is meant to be combined with advice from a tax planner who specializes in filing taxes and managing finances in your exact location.